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How Many Calories Does Walking 7 Miles Burn

- Written By

Sana Farhan, MS Healthcare

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how many calories does walking 7 miles burn

Walking 7 miles at an average speed of 3 miles each hour means walking for 2 hours and 20 minutes. This is a seriously lengthy timespan for a low-force workout. However, it pays off.

How many calories does walking 7 miles burn? Walking 7 miles likely consumes 500-800 calories. Taking into account a 2-day break in seven days, you also can get 2500-4000 calories consumed in a 5-day program. Shockingly, the 3500 calories consumed incidentally are the enchanted number of calories expected to shed 1 pound of body weight. Keeping your eating routine the equivalent, you can lose 0.7 to 1.15 pounds of fat in seven days for 7 miles of walking.

Even better, higher body weight, a lively speed, and an uphill terrain will build these numbers. So the question remains: “How Many Calories Does Walking 7 Miles Burn and Weight Loss?”. So, in this article, we will dive into the details of this question.

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How Many Calories Does Walking 7 Miles Burn & Weight Loss?

How many claories does walking 7 miles burn? Well, The specific numbers will depend on your weight, BMI, speed, terrain, and gender. In this situation, a heavier individual loses a significant number of calories than a lighter individual, an individual walking energetically consumes more calories, etc.

Considering that speed is a considerable factor in working with quick weight reduction, an agreeable rate will get you to your weight reduction objectives.

The most straightforward technique for working out the number of calories consumed and weight reduction while walking is to think about your weight and walking speed:

1) On Flat Surfaces

 Weight lbs or kgNormal pace 2.5 to 3.5 Mph (Calories Burned)Brisk pace 3.5 to 4 Mph (Calories Burned)Faster pace 4.5 Mph (Calories Burned)Weight loss of Normal pace (Pound)
100 lbs
(45 kg)
372- 420 cal.398 cal.445-471 cal.0.1202 lbs
120 lbs
(54 kg)
447-504477535-5650.1443 lbs
140 lbs
(64 kg)
521-588557624-6590.1683 lbs
160 lbs
(72 kg)
595-672636713-7530.1924 lbs
180 lbs
(82 kg)
670-756716802-8470.2164 lbs
200 lbs
(90 kg)
744-840795891-9420.2405 lbs
220 lbs
(100 kg)
819-924875980-10360.2645 lbs
250 lbs
(113 kg)
931-10509941114-11770.3006 lbs
275 lbs
(125 kg)
1023-115510941225-12950.3307 lbs
300 lbs
(136 kg)
1117-126011941336-14130.3607 lbs
For Flat Surfaces
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2) On Uphill Surfaces

The following Table shows how many calories does walking 7 miles burn on uphill surfaces. The computations in the below table depend on walking on uphill surfaces, for example, slopes and treadmill inclines. Walking uphill for 7 miles altogether builds your calorie consume and weight reduction.

Weight lbs or kgThe moderate pace of 3.5 Mph (Calories Burned)Fast pace of 4.5 Mph (Calories Burned)Weight loss at a moderate pace (Pound)
100 lbs
(45 kg)
511 cal.579 cal.0.1463 lbs
120 lbs
(54 kg)
6136950.1755 lbs
140 lbs
(64 kg)
7158110.2048 lbs
160 lbs
(72 kg)
8179270.2340 lbs
180 lbs
(82 kg)
91910430.2633 lbs
200 lbs
(90 kg)
102211590.2926 lbs
220 lbs
(100 kg)
112412740.3218 lbs
250 lbs
(113 kg)
127714480.3657 lbs
275 lbs
(125 kg)
140515930.4023 lbs
300 lbs
(136 kg)
153317380.4389 lbs
For Uphill Surfaces
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Is Walking 7 Miles Daily terrific for Weight Reduction, and How can you Help?

Indeed, walking 7 miles daily is excellent for weight reduction. It assists in burning a lot of calories that will help shed fat and reduce weight after some time, even without changing the eating routine or consolidating other weight reduction exercises. 

Notwithstanding, you can add more to your 7-mile everyday walk to make weight reduction more feasible and at a quicker length. If you walk outside, consider an uphill terrain instead of a treadmill incline.

Finally, but just as importantly, the most incredible walking partner for your seven-mile walks will be a fitness tracker that tracks your steps, pace, and calories burned. It lets you see that every walk you take advances you toward your goals, even when they are not immediately apparent. Additionally, even when it doesn’t seem necessary, the tracker will motivate you to walk because consistency is essential to reaching your weight reduction goals.

Tips to successfully walk 7 Miles Per Day

How many calories does walking 7 miles burn in a day? If you’ve had your answer and are looking to add up to your efficiency then this section might help you out alot.

1) Accumulate Your steps throughout the day.

Nothing remains to be said; you must walk 7 miles across the board in a single phase.

In terms of how much walking you need to do to lower your risk of disease and enhance your health, almost all studies point to the importance of walking steps taken during the day or your total gathered overall.

Consequently, if you cannot deal with walking 7 miles every day, you can wear a pedometer or action tracker and aim for 7 miles throughout the day.

Steps add up! Walking 2-3 miles a few times daily is an incredible method for reaching your objective of walking 7 miles daily.

2) Timetable for Your Walks

Making a timetable for your walks will assist you with keeping up with the consistency you want with your walks to expand your character and move toward walking 7 miles daily successfully.

When are you going to walk? In the first part of the prior day’s work? At lunch with a collaborator? After supper with your partner?

Plan a period and stick with it. Even better, genuinely record it in your organizer or computerized schedule to guarantee you cut out the time.

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Walking 7 miles daily takes a ton of time, so if you can perform multiple tasks and utilize an opportunity to finish different things, you’ll be considerably more valuable and practical as you work out.

For instance, you can accept a work call, pay attention to a book recording or self-improvement digital broadcast, or even practice another dialect.

3) Develop Gradually

You don’t need to go from not practicing to walking 7 miles daily consistently. If you’re still wondering about how many calories does walking 7 miles burn? Not only will this vibe be overpowering, but it can likewise prompt overuse wounds and burnout.

Develop your walking mileage gradually. Begin with walking 2 miles per day or somewhere in the vicinity, and afterward, slowly increment the distance of your walks.

4) Make intervals

Period walking separates the dullness of a long walk while helping your pulse, which works on your high-impact wellness.

An illustration of a span exercise, if you’re walking 7 miles daily, is warm up by walking 2 miles and afterward walk 1/4 mile as quickly as conceivable, followed by 1/4 mile at your open-to-walking pace.

You can keep switching back and forth between challenging and straightforward stretches for 3 miles (12 rounds) and cool down with 2 miles of simple walking.

Side effects of 7 Miles of Walking a Day

How many calories does walking 7 miles burn? While 7 miles daily is an incredible method for consuming calories and shedding pounds, it is optional, particularly for previously inactive people. It could be low-influence, and the length of the walk is adequately long. It might prompt the following:

1) Joint Pains and Soreness

Seven miles per day for a beginner will get you joint soreness and an irritated foot because of overtraining. Unfortunately, these effects won’t just influence your well-being but also discourage you from going for additional walks in the future.

2) Hypoglycemia

If you go for a long walk before eating a quality dinner, you might feel tipsy and powerless, indicating low glucose in the body. Hypoglycemia is as awful as making you faint, adversely influencing the walk.

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3) Muscle injury

Remember that breaks between your 7-mile walks are vital for the preparation. For instance, take a limit of 5 days every week to go for a walk while requiring two days to rest and recover strength. If you don’t take breaks, you will experience the ill effects of the muscle injury that might impede your training and even influence your well-being adversely over the long haul.

4) Hypoxia

How many calories does walking 7 miles burn? Hypoxia is a very concerning point in this matter. Walking uphill is perfect for consuming more calories and weight reduction; expanded elevation has insignificant oxygen, prompting low oxygen admission. Going steep uphill for 7 miles without a break could initiate this issue, referred to as hypoxia.

5) Burnout and discouragement

 When your body gets exhausted, you generally feel restless and lethargic.


The ideal moment is when it works into your routine, and you can commit to it consistently. For their stimulating effect, morning walks are preferred by certain people.

Walking can be used with other forms of exercise, such as yoga and strength training, to help you reach your overall nutritional and fitness objectives.

For a 7-mile walk, a brisk speed of approximately 3 miles per hour is a fair aim for burning calories. However, individual fitness levels may vary.

Diet is a significant factor in weight loss, even though walking burns calories. It’s critical to keep up a healthy diet in addition to your walking regimen for optimal effects.

The Bottom Line

How many calories does walking 7 miles burn? Walking 7 miles can be crucial to your weight reduction journey. It consumes calories, advances general well-being, and adds to a calorie shortfall significant for shedding pounds. Keep in mind, however, that eating routine and consistency are vital. Combine ordinary 7-mile walks with a decent eating regimen for the best outcomes as you continue seeking weight reduction and a better way of life.

At this point, we have high hopes that your question regarding How many calories does walking 7 miles burn, might have been answered with full accuracy and factual information If you have any further enquiries regarding how many calories does walking 7 burn or the entire article, we would be more than glad to answer you in the comments.

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