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CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout Strategies & Challanges

- Written By

DR Maheen Sohail , BDS

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crossfit open 23.3

The CrossFit Open is an annual event that brings together athletes worldwide to test their fitness, mental toughness, and competitive spirit. Among the five workouts featured in the Open, CrossFit Open 23.3 stands out as a formidable challenge requiring athletes to demonstrate proficiency in various movements.


In this article, we will look at CrossFit Open 23.3, analyzing the workout structure, the specific activities involved, and the scaling options provided to accommodate athletes of all levels.

What is CrossFit Open?

The CrossFit Open is an integral part of the CrossFit Games season, serving as the initial qualifying stage for athletes aiming to advance to regional and global settings. Held over five weeks, each week unveils a new workout, keeping participants on their toes and testing their adaptability and skills. The Open tests an athlete’s fitness across various domains, including strength, endurance, agility, and gymnastic skills. CrossFit Open 23.3 is typically released in the third week, and its challenging movements make it a pivotal moment for athletes seeking to progress to the following stages.

23.3 workout is a test of strength, endurance, and mental resilience. It challenges athletes with a combination of movements that must be completed within a specific time frame. The structure of the WOD often varies, but it usually includes elements like weightlifting, gymnastics, or cardiovascular exercises. To understand the 23.3 workouts better, we will examine a sample WOD.

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CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout description

50 Double-Unders

20 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)

10 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)

50 Double-Unders

20 Toes-to-Bar

10 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)

50 Double-Unders

20 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

10 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)

50 Double-Unders

20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

10 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)

50 Double-Unders

20 Bar Muscle-Ups

10 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)

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Challenging Movements in CrossFit Open 23.3

CrossFit Open 23.3 presents a formidable challenge, even for elite athletes. The combination of high-skill movements demands well-rounded proficiency in multiple disciplines. Athletes must strategize their approach to optimize their performance and minimize fatigue, as breaking down in any section of the 23.3 workout can significantly affect their overall time and placement. Let’s take a closer look at the critical movements involved in the sample WOD.

1) Double-Unders

Double-Unders are a jump rope exercise where the rope passes twice under the athlete’s feet with each jump. This requires timing, coordination, and endurance, as performing multiple sets of double-unders consecutively can be physically taxing.

2) Wall Balls

Wall Balls combine a medicine ball squat with a throw to a target on the wall. Athletes must perform a full-depth squat before forcefully propelling the ball upwards to hit the target—the combination of squatting and throwing challenges lower body strength and coordination.

3) Power Snatches

Power Snatches are Olympic weightlifting movements that demand explosive power and precision. Athletes must lift the barbell from the ground to overhead continuously, catching the bar with locked arms in a squat position.

4) Toes-to-Bar (T2B)

Toes-to-Bar involves hanging from a bar and lifting both feet to touch the bar simultaneously. This movement requires strong core engagement and grip strength, as athletes must control their momentum to execute each repetition effectively.

5) Box Jumps

Box Jumps require athletes to jump onto and off a box of a specified height. This plyometric exercise tests lower body power, balance, and coordination.

6) Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups are a variation of the standard pull-up, where athletes must pull their chest to the bar rather than just their chin. This movement targets the upper body and challenges drawing strength and kipping techniques.

7) Bar Muscle-Ups

Bar Muscle-Ups is an advanced gymnastic movement that combines a pull-up with a transition to support on top of the bar. Athletes must display exceptional upper body strength and coordination to perform these efficiently.

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Training Strategies for CrossFit Open 23.3

Given the demanding nature of CrossFit Open 23.3, athletes must approach the workout with a well-thought-out strategy. Here are some training strategies to consider:

Skill Development: Focusing on improving the technical proficiency of the movements involved in CrossFit Open 23.3 is crucial. Athletes should dedicate time to practicing double-unders, barbell cycling, and gymnastic movements to become more efficient in executing the WOD.

Endurance and Conditioning: CrossFit Open 23.3 is a fast-paced workout that challenges cardiovascular endurance. Incorporating interval training, cardio workouts, and metabolic conditioning into training can enhance an athlete’s ability to sustain high-intensity efforts.

Time Management: Efficient time management during the WOD is vital to avoid burnout and maximize performance. Athletes should strategize how to break down sets of movements to minimize rest time while maintaining consistency throughout the 23.3 workout.

Rest and Recovery: Adequate rest and recovery are essential to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury. Athletes should allow their bodies enough time to recover between training sessions, especially during the CrossFit Open season.

Scaling Options and Inclusivity

CrossFit has always been committed to inclusivity, allowing athletes of all levels to participate. Scaling options are provided for every workout, including CrossFit Open 23.3, to accommodate participants with varying abilities. Scaling will enable athletes to modify movements, weights, or repetitions, making the WOD accessible while maintaining its intensity and challenge. This aspect of CrossFit promotes a supportive and inclusive community where everyone can share in the experience, regardless of their fitness level.

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Notable Performances

CrossFit Open 23.3 has witnessed exceptional performances from numerous athletes, both well-known names in the CrossFit world and emerging talents. The ability to endure intense physical demands while maintaining technical proficiency is a hallmark of athletes who excel in 23.3 workouts. Several athletes have showcased their skills by completing the WOD in astonishing times, and their achievements have served as a source of inspiration for countless others.

Mental Resilience and Determination

Beyond physical prowess, CrossFit Open 23.3 highlights the significance of mental resilience and determination. As fatigue sets in, athletes are pushed to their limits, and mental fortitude helps them persevere through the challenging moments. The CrossFit community rallies behind each athlete, cheering them on and creating an atmosphere that fosters grit and determination, resulting in impressive displays of mental strength.

The Impact on the CrossFit Community

The CrossFit Open, including Workout 23.3, profoundly impacts the global CrossFit community. It brings athletes and enthusiasts together, fostering camaraderie and a shared sense of accomplishment. The Open encourages individuals to challenge themselves and celebrate their achievements, regardless of where they stand in the worldwide rankings. Furthermore, the event fuels interest in CrossFit. It inspires many to embrace a healthier lifestyle and join the ever-growing community of CrossFit athletes.

Community Camaraderie: The CrossFit Open brings athletes together in a shared experience. Athletes support and encourage each other during workouts, creating a sense of camaraderie that fosters a positive and motivating training environment.

Coaching and Guidance: Coaches play a pivotal role during the CrossFit Open season, providing personalized guidance and strategies to optimize athletes’ performance. They analyze athletes’ strengths and weaknesses, help with movement refinement, and provide emotional support throughout the competition.

Inspiration and Motivation: Remarkable performances during CrossFit Open 23.3 inspire and motivate athletes to push beyond their limits. Witnessing fellow athletes achieve extraordinary feats encourages others to believe in their abilities and strive for greatness.

Global Connection: The CrossFit Open’s international reach allows athletes from different countries and cultures to connect and share their passion for fitness. Athletes often develop friendships and build connections with like-minded individuals worldwide.


The seven pillars of CrossFit are constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity, focusing on endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, and agility. This fitness methodology incorporates various activities to build physical fitness, promoting adaptability and preparedness for any physical challenge.

The 5/3/1 program with CrossFit is a famous strength training approach that combines CrossFit workouts with the principles of the 5/3/1 powerlifting program. It involves four main lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press) performed on specific days using percentages of an individual’s one-rep max. This integration enhances strength gains while incorporating CrossFit’s functional movements and conditioning aspects to create a well-rounded fitness routine.

In CrossFit, the notation “20X1” refers to the tempo at which a specific exercise should be performed. Tempo is a way of prescribing the speed or timing of each movement phase. The four numbers in the tempo notation represent the time in seconds for different stages of the exercise.

Eccentric Phase (lowering the weight or descending): The “2” indicates a 2-second descent. You should take 2 seconds to reduce the weight or move down into the position.

Bottom Position: The “0” means no pause at the bottom. It would help if you immediately transitioned to the next Phase.

Concentric Phase (lifting the weight or ascending): The “X” indicates an explosive or maximal effort. Move as quickly and powerfully as possible during this Phase.

Top Position: The “1” means holding the top position for 1 second before starting the next repetition.

Overall, the “20X1” tempo is commonly used in CrossFit to add variety and challenge to workouts, helping to build strength, control, and muscular awareness during different exercises.

Yes, participants must pay an entry fee to participate in the CrossFit Open. The registration fee covers the cost of participation. It allows athletes to compete worldwide and potentially qualify for further stages of the CrossFit Games season.

the bottom line

CrossFit Open 23.3 embodies the essence of CrossFit – a test of strength, endurance, and mental tenacity that unites athletes worldwide. Its challenging WOD and the remarkable performances it elicits showcase the incredible potential of the human body and spirit. Whether participants are seasoned professionals or first-time Cross Fitters, the experience of CrossFit Open 23.3 is an unforgettable journey of growth, determination, and camaraderie within the vibrant and inclusive CrossFit community.

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