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Orangetheory Hell Week 2023: Past Events & Model From Prior Years

- Written By

Sana Farhan, MS Healthcare

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orangetheory hell week

Week of Orange Theory Hell

Get ready — it’s that time of year once more! One of the most eagerly awaited challenges of the year, Orangetheory Hell Week, is back. With eight days of challenging but doable workouts focusing on the arms, legs, and mental fortitude, Orangetheory Hell Week pushes participants to reach their potential and reach their physical and mental limits.

Let’s begin with the Orangetheory Hell Week experience and everything you need to know.

Orangetheory Hell Week

Hell Week at Orangetheory Fitness is a thrilling 8-day fitness challenge created to bring out your inner athlete (October 24-31). The coach will present you with a daily surprise fitness challenge that deviates from the typical Orangetheory training format.

These challenges will test All fitness levels, pushing you to the limit while guaranteeing you finish a fantastic Orangetheory exercise. The trials ‘ ultimate goals are building strength, endurance, and a sense of success.

Each day of Orangetheory Hell Week, which runs from October 24 to October 31, has a unique name. The classes, which exclude lift 45, are 2G and 3G.

In Orangetheory Hell Week, what should you do?

“This challenge is designed to push members beyond their regular workouts, testing their resolve, perseverance, self-discipline, and stamina,” says Orangetheory Fitness. 

1) At the treadmill

There are a variety of difficulties at the treadmills. Each workout will keep you on your toes with intense sprints, uphill climbs, and long pushes. Whether you’re an endurance runner or like quick spurts of high energy, there’s a program to fit your needs.

2) For rower

You’ll be working hard on the rower station. Expect intense rowing workouts, small breaks, and various challenges involving a quick run, a few exercises, and then a return to the rower. Of course, there will be protracted endurance rows during Hell Week.

3) Weight Floor On

You can test your strength, power, and endurance on the weight floor. You might engage in high-rep exercises, explosive movements, or lifting big weights. And burpees will probably appear, so be ready for the inevitable.

Orangetheory’s Hell Week is, in essence, a thorough, multifaceted challenge that will put every area of your fitness to the test.

What You Need To Know About Orangetheory Hell Week (In Brief) 

An 8-day more challenging workout, Orangetheory Hell Week is only as hard as you make it. Yes, you can if your goal is to finish each round and each block with little rest and no adjustments. And it just feels like another workout if you are not thinking wildly.

You can get a fashionable t-shirt or tank top from your studio if you complete 4 out of the eight workout days during Orangetheory Hell Week (5 out of the 8 for 2021, 4 out of the 8 for 2022).

Related Article: What is the Orangetheory infinity workout? (Tips and Templates 2023)
  • Yes, you must pay, register, and sign up if you want the T-shirt or tank top. If you only care about taking the classes and aren’t concerned about the shirt, you should book as soon as your studio opens.
  • To be eligible for the shirt incentive, most studios require previous registration at the studio (not via the app!). Your preferred size preference will also be questioned.
  • Studios charge a registration fee (about $15) to cover the cost of the t-shirt. However, this regulation may differ from studio to studio.
  • Some studios give out these shirts after completing the necessary workouts, while others give them out on or shortly after October 31. A few studios may take longer.
  • According to one of my coaches, the workouts are the same whether or not you participate in Hell Week.
  • You can participate in the Orangetheory Hell Week workouts even if you choose not to register or pay the registration/shirt price. All regular 2G/3G classes during Hell Week are Hell Week workouts. But no shirt will be given out.
  • Lift 45 classes do not count towards the required number of courses to get the shirt because they are not part of Hell Week.
  • Even though you signed up for Hell Week, your membership level and limits remain in effect. For example, Basic members who take four courses per month must purchase an additional class to participate in other workouts.

How Hard Is Orangetheory Hell Week?

Orangetheory’s Hell Week is more complex and convoluted than any other challenge or standard class. It is manageable for everyone because it is made to accommodate all members, even new ones. In addition, if you make the proper preparations, it develops into a trick you enjoy and find rewarding.

Tracker for Orangetheory Hell Week

A challenge tracker is available throughout Orangetheory to assist you in keeping track of all your challenge progress. As a result, you can use the challenge tracker to monitor your progress during hell week.

Every student’s name is listed on the challenge tracker, a touchscreen used in class. Following each task, the participants record their progress on their equipment.

Some survival advice for newcomers and other participants

1) Resting

Sleep is essential for functioning, especially during trying times like Orangetheory’s Hell Week. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should sleep for about 7-9 hours per night. If you’re having difficulties with this, look at some of their suggestions for improving your sleep quality, such as putting electronics away at least an hour before bed, keeping your bedroom cool, quiet, and dark, and waking up to bright light.

According to the Sleep Foundation, a lack of sleep might affect the brain’s ability to operate correctly. Therefore, having a well-rested brain is crucial for surviving Hell Week’s challenges. Remember that getting a good night’s sleep is as important as exercising.

2) Drinking water

Plessel says that hydration is essential throughout Hell Week. It is crucial for muscle rehabilitation and helps maintain mental acuity, response time, and cardiovascular stress.

However, according to the National Institutes of Health, 75% of American people suffer from chronic dehydration.

The National Athletic Training Association advises consuming seven to ten ounces of water before class, six to twelve ounces every 15 minutes while in it, and seventeen to twenty ounces two to three hours before exercising. Continue drinking water after exercise to replace fluids lost and expedite your recovery.

3) Avoid exaggerating

During Hell Week, it’s permissible to observe a Green Day! Or have a low Splat day, advises Hudson Valley, New York resident Emilia Sainato, Senior OTF Head Coach and Fitness Educator. “Use your HR data to ensure that your heart rate returns to the Green Zone during walking recovery, gym breaks, or sessions on the rowing machine. Inform your coach before class that you’re attempting to spend less time in the Orange and Red Zones if doing so makes you feel better.

4) Continue

Orangetheory Research Scientist Brittany Masteller advises scheduling time for the last five minutes of class. She notes that stretching after a workout helps to lower your heart rate and relax your muscles gradually. The distribution of lactic acid, muscle flexibility, cardiovascular health, posture, and other factors are all benefited by this quick cool-down period.

Related Article: How to Use Orangetheory Heart Rate Monitor Outside of Class?: A Comprehensive Guide (2023)

5) Take initiative

I valued the daily difficulties during my previous Hell Week. Even during Hell Week, the trainers make sure the workouts are fun. With planning and enrollment in classes, your likelihood of involvement rises.

Orangetheory Hell Week preparations

You can use the following advice to prepare for Orangetheory Hell Week:

If this is your first time participating in Hell Week, learn about previous themes and how they relate to the activities. The activities are serialized, so you know what to anticipate. Then, as soon as it is published, look into the upcoming schedule to learn what to expect. After that, replenish with healthy meals and drink a lot of water to stay hydrated because Hell Week will undoubtedly test your stamina and ability.

  • Enroll in endurance training programs and attend more classes in the first part of October to assist your body in adjusting.
  • Make an effort to attend class earlier each time as part of your preparation.
  • Get the rest you need to recover from your workouts and stay healthy.
  • Since you alone matter, only compare yourself to yourself.
  • Push yourself as far as possible, but just as long as your body allows.
  • Please register as soon as possible to ensure your place in Hell Week before it fills up, which happens quickly.

No matter how far you get, remember that the point of Hell Week is to have fun.

After Orangetheory Hell Week, Here Is Some Advice to Make Sure Your Healing Continues:

Take more naps: It doesn’t mean you should keep working out at the same pace because you routinely do four workouts in eight days. Dr. Masteller emphasizes that getting enough replenishment can increase performance.

Pay attention to your body: Although soreness is normal, persistent, acute pain may indicate that more healing is needed. If you get adequate sleep, you may do better in class.

The Bottom Line

Unquestionably, the most complex OTF challenge is the Orangetheory Hell Week, which stands out from all others. On the other hand, it motivates us to challenge ourselves and realize our full potential. The fact that it is entertaining and memorable makes almost everyone who takes part want to take part in the challenge every year.

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